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Trottinettes / descente des Masses

Les Masses


Descent of Les Masses (top of the chairlift to the bottom of the chairlift: 30min, 2.72km, 428m-), red route 2nd part.
Itineraries Thyon Masses Hérémence HERE

Scooter rentals and chairlift passes : 


Scooters are distributed at the top of the Masses and Trabanta facilities.


  • Practice braking before you start on the downhill run. You should be able to brake for half the visible distance.
  • Leave both feet on the scooter - never brake with your feet!
  • Wearing a helmet is compulsory (supplied with the scooter)
  • Minimum height: 135 cm.
  • It is dangerous to have several people or adults with small children on the same scooter.

Technical information

  • Difficulty Moderate


Trottinettes / descente des Masses


Location / Access