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Randonnée pédestre

The Planie path

Val des Dix/Pralong


The Planie walk offers a panoramic view of the Val des Dix. It replaces the old bisse d'Hérémence and allows easy horizontal movement. This summer path (which is subject to avalanche hazard in winter) is well suited for families and people with reduced mobility. Its width allows you to walk side by side. The walk takes you back and forth to the place called "Prapperrot" (refreshment bar).
Distance: 5 km
One-way time: 1h15
Difficulty: easy T1
Find the hiking, trail, and ski/snowshoe itineraries on "Outdoor Expériences Val d'Hérens" and download the mobile application.

Technical information

  • Distance 5 km
  • Difficulty Easy
  • Duration 1h15min


The Planie path

Hérémence Tourisme

Location / Access