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Inauguration of the Euseigne pyramids tunnel


The 14 Oct 2023

12:00 - 20:00

Construction of the new Euseigne pyramid tunnel is complete.

To mark this event, the commune of Hérémence organise a day of festivities.

From midday : sharing a friendly drink offered by the municipality.

In the afternoon: musical entertainment provided by the Echo des Vallées Alphorn band and the rock and pop-rock band On Air, a photo exhibition on the history of the site and activities for children provided by the fire brigade.

From 5 p.m.: the Hérens Fire and Rescue Centre will be on hand to bless its new vehicles and parade through the tunnel.

Drinks and snacks will be sold on site by the Ski-Club Les Pyramides.




Photo: © Cédric Pralong


Inauguration of the Euseigne pyramids tunnel

Hérémence Tourisme

027 281 15 33


1982 Euseigne