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Conférence Brunelli

The 06 Jun 2024

19:00 - 22:00

Viper Conference: Discover, Understand, Protect


Join us for a fascinating exploration of the world of vipers at our next conference, with herpetologist Yves Brunelli. With 50 years' experience studying and observing asp vipers in Valais, he will share his expertise and passion for these fascinating and often misunderstood creatures.


Mr. Brunelli's talk will focus on a multitude of aspects relating to asp vipers: their biology, behavior, venom, colors, and much more. The aim is to demystify these animals through a rich and informative presentation, featuring 260 photographs illustrating the life of vipers from spring to autumn, including a specific segment on bites and the real risks associated with these snakes.


The lecture, which lasts around two hours, is the fruit of decades of research and field study. As a person mandated by the canton of Valais to protect vipers and their habitats, as well as to combat illegal captures, Ms Brunelli has had the opportunity to contribute to numerous reports for Swiss and international TV channels, and to publish several articles in various media. Her aim is to arouse greater interest and respect for these animals.



Venue: Hérémence multi-purpose hall

Prices: Free admission

Duration: approx. 2 hours + complimentary drink



Conférence Brunelli

Hérémence Tourisme